Website Design, Website Hosting and Search Engine Optimization for Phoenix-Area Small Business Owners
Advanced SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the phrase used to describe the website design and marketing activities that are geared toward achieving high placement of your website in search engine results. Eviden Web Design and Marketing specializes in organic SEO. That means I'll help your small business website achieve high ranking on the non-paid search results. You may also be interested in PPC (pay-per-click) search engine marketing (SEM).
Websites designed by me already are "search engine-friendly" with SEO basics built in. For example, common search terms for your industry segment are researched and used in the website content where search engines look when deciding what your website is about. Importantly, my websites comply with the same industry standards that search engines expect and follow when they analyse the content of your site. Website designs that make it easy for the search engines are rewarded with higher rankings.
What Is "Advanced" SEO?
The first important thing to learn about SEO is that it's an ongoing process. If you're happy with the basic SEO that comes with every Eviden website design and we have an ongoing relationship, all that's really necessary is for me to keep up on search engine news and review your keywords periodically.
But some clients will need more. If you absolutely have to be in the top two or three search engine results listing, more options are available, such as directory listings and article copywriting to place links to your site on others. As individual SEO changes are implemented, the website traffic analysis tools that are available with my hosting plans will confirm if a change made a difference in traffic and conversion rates. Be forwarned that these are labor-intensive and relatively costly and part of an open-ended process. Advanced SEO is never really "done."
New Website Design
- Custom website design from scratch - no templates!
- Two free revisions
- All custom websites have Search Engine Optimization (SEO) built in
Website Redesign
- Update tired-looking websites
- Add SEO for higher search rankings
- Don't be embarrassed by your website!
evi•den ('εv ɪ dən) from L. evidentem: "Clear, Distinct, Plain, Evident"